Polygraph Services

Polygraph for Private Clients
Polygraph has proven to be very useful outside the realm of criminal justice. With the advent of computerized polygraph, today's instruments are more reliable and accurate than ever before. Private sector applications include:
Fidelity Issues (Couples rates available)
Martial and family counselors
Civil litigation
Drug/Alcohol Therapists
Employers and companies determining issues involving employee theft*
Private polygraph examinations are $525.00. Please CLICK HERE to make contact us to discuss your case.
*Please review the Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988 (EPPA) for guidance in using the polygraph in the private sector to determine economic loss or injury to an employer.
Polygraph for Criminal Justice
With the advent of computerized polygraph, today's instruments are more reliable and accurate than ever before. Criminal justice applications include:
Pre-trial negotiations
Law firm vetting client's version of events
Law enforcement pre-employment screening
Sex offender history, evaluations, and treatment progress
Please CLICK HERE to make contact us to discuss your needs and obtain a quote.
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